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Latest Episodes

3. Breaking the Mafia’s Chains
with Professor Saggio

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12/20/23 | 31 Minutes

In this episode, I speak with Professor Saggio from the University of British Columbia and we explore the economic impact of implementing the Clean City Councils (CCD) strategy as a countermeasure against Italy’s deeply entrenched criminal organizations. According to Professor Saggio's research, the implementation of this policy has a recorded 10% increase in industrial real estate values, and we exploring its benefits for local economies in terms of job creation, tax revenue, and overall economic development. As we consider the policy's role in contributing to or mitigating economic instability during financial crises, Professor Saggio provides a nuanced perspective on breaking the mafia's chains and fostering sustainable economic growth in affected regions. To find more of his research, check out his research paper: "Can the Mafia’s Tentacles Be Severed? The Economic Effects of Removing Corrupt City Councils". 

2. "Mafia Inc.” Resilience in Crisis
 A Discussion with Professor Sorrentti 

12/18/23 | 20 Minutes

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In this episode, I speak with Professor Sorrenti from the University of Amsterdam. We explore Professor Sorrenti's research on the infiltration of organized crime into the legal economy, revealing the presence of "Mafia Inc." in the aftermath of the 2007-8 financial crisis. Delving into the mechanisms and strategies employed by these criminal organizations for economic stability, the discussion also touches on the delicate balance between benefits and drawbacks, shedding light on corruption, market distortion, and high entry barriers. The episode further examines the nuanced relationship between government policies and the channels through which mafia capital flows into the legal economy during economic downturns. To further explore Professor Sorrenti's research, check out his article “When Godfathers Become Entrepreneurs: On the Organized Crime’s Infiltration in Legal Economy”.

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1. An Economy of Extortion
with Professor Balletta and Professor Lavezzi

12/11/23 | 33 Minutes

In this episode, I speak with Professor Balletta and Professor Lavezzi, discussing how the mafia establishes their role in the Italy's local economy using extortion, otherwise known as "pizzo". Professor Balletta is in the Department of Economics, Management and Institutions at the University of Naples Federico II, and Professor Lavezzi teaches economics at he University of Palermo. To learn more about their research on how the mafia sets their "pizzo" rate and its implications, read their journal article: "The economics of extortion: Theory and the case of the Sicilian Mafia". 

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