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Godfather's Economy

Unveiling the Grip of Organized Crime on Italy's Economy

Latest Episodes

Join us as we debunk the role of Italy's notorious mafia and their impact to the Italian economy. Our latest episodes are conversations with some of the top researchers including Professor Balletta from the University of Naples Federico II, Professor Lavezzi from the University of Naples, Professor Sorrenti from the University of Amsterdam and Professor Saggio from the University of British Columbia. Our discussion cover their research on the criminal organizations' key characteristic, extortion, their role in the local economy post the 2008 financial crisis, and the potential policy changes to deter the mafia network. 


About the Show

Welcome to The Godfather's Economy, the podcast that explores the economics of the Italian mafia. Our investigation aims to understand how organized crime has infiltrated and shaped the Italian economy and to what extent has the economy become dependent on their presence.  Known for their extortion and violent tactics, these criminal organizations have asserted themselves not just within communities, but also governments, shaping economic policy and creating high barriers for market entry. With only a few notoriously large and successful, their oligopolistic behavior has altered the Italian economy and their response to crisis. Nevertheless, with the new advancements in policy and technology, these organizations may not have such a hold on the economy much longer. Join us each episode as we uncover the Italy's unique relationship and history with their notorious mafia. 

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